As you work to grow your business, make sure your money is doing the same. Earn tiered interest on your checking balance — with no deposit or per item fees.
Key Features
Tiered Interest
Digital Banking
Debit Card
- Competitive tiered interest rates
- Exclusive to sole-proprietors, non-profits, and qualifying municipalities upon meeting regulatory qualifications
- No deposit or per item charges
- No minimum balance requirements
- No monthly service charge if less than 10 debit items post per statement cycle
- Low $5 monthly service charge if 10 or more but less than 30 debit items post per statement cycle
- $10 monthly service charge if 30 or more debit items post per statement cycle
- Free check imaging
- Monthly itemized statement
- Free online banking services, including***
- Free online banking & bill pay; however, fees may apply to bill pay overnight check deliveries
- Free mobile banking
- Free Electronic Statements
- Free Zelle®
- Business debit and ATM card
- Online cash management available
- $100 minimum deposit to open
***Midwest Bank provides online and mobile banking access for free; however, wireless carriers may charge for data usage. Please contact your wireless carrier for information.